Friday, 10 January 2014

1 Corinthians 1:7-9

There is a strange connection between knowledge and lacking in gifts. This connection will be examined more within the letter but having full knowledge is connected to not lacking in any gift. Here is the verses starting in 4:

I give thanks to my God always, concerning you, for the grace of God which was given to you in Christ Jesus, that in all, You are made rich in Him, in all words and all knowledge, as the testimony of Christ confirmed to you, so that you may not be lacking in anything gift, waiting on the revelation of our Lord, Jesus Christ; who also will strengthen you until the end, blameless in the day of the our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful by you were called out into the fellowship of his son Jesus Christ our Lord.(My Translation)
 Being made rich is connected to knowledge. This knowledge is about Jesus, as seen in the "testimony of Christ." So the argument is "You are made rich in Him... so that you may not be lacking in anything gift." God has richly provide knowledge of Christ so that we do not lack in any gifts while we wait for Jesus. Knowledge thus is connected to being ready for the Lord's return. He richly provides what we need to be blameless for His coming. We seek this knowledge by reading and meditating on God's word as it provides sufficient knowledge of Him. God does not disconnect knowledge with faith, Our faith is rooted in a knowledge of God. It is Jesus who strengthen with the this knowledge so that we may be presented blameless before God. As we look for growth, we should not forget that God is the one that gives knowledge richly so that we can be sustained till the end by never lacking in his glorious gifts.